6 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day While Social Distancing

While I’d argue that everyday is and ought to be “Earth Day”, the official date of Earth Day 2020 is coming up on April 22nd! With many nurseries, beaches, parks, trails and campsites closed around the country right now and the majority of us under shelter in place orders, we aren’t able to gather to sweep our favorite places, host zero waste picnics together or enjoy our favorite parks like we may have planned. But we can still celebrate together from a distance! Here are six ways to celebrate Mother Earth from the confines of quarantine:

  1. Plant a tree. Nurture a new plant. Start a garden.

    One of my favorite ways of celebrating Earth Day is largely unaffected by the impacts of COVID-19 on our economy and lives: planting, nurturing and growing a new tree, garden, flower bed or single seed. Every day trees are torn down and earth is flattened to make room for highways, shopping center and housing communities. Join in off setting the destruction by brining new, beautiful green life into our world. Here are some items that might help you get started:

  2. Take Socially Distanced Street Sweep Stroll

    Grab a cute plastic free pail and a pair of gloves and go for a stroll, picking up clastic caps, discarded cans and cigarette buts along the way. With every piece, big or small, you’re chipping away at the reckless pollution of your local community and wildlife. (And soak up some of that nourhsing vitaminD while you’re at it!) But don’t forget to wash those hands afterwards!

  3. Donate to a planet loving organization!

    Many charitable organizations have taken a hit with the downturn of our economy. Support the work they do year round to protect our planet, lands, parks, oceans, rivers, lakes, wildlife, air (and our fellow humans) by making even a small donation to them in celebration of Earth Day. Here are just a handful of worthy causes or find one local to your community!

  4. Host a Virtual Watch Party Of Your Favorite Earth Loving Movie

    Curl up with a cup of organic herbal tea or with your family and enjoy one of your favorite earth loving movies or documentaries (or host a zoom watch party with friends from afar!). Here are a few of our recommendations:

  5. Start Composting

    Composting returns minerals and nutrients to soil, reduces or removes need for chemical fertilizers, and reduces waste and burdens on landfills. While you’re spending more time at home this Earth Day, why not try your hand at composting! Get the whole family involved in learning about why and how to compost, setting up your kitchen bin and understanding how to use your compost pile. Here is a great infographic from Food Revolution.

  6. Share About Your Favorite Earth Loving Brands + Products

    Often overlooked, one of the most powerful things you can do in celebration of Earth Day is to post about, talk about, tag and share your favorite planet friendly, earth loving products and small businesses who put people and planet before profit every single day. Every time we vote - with our dollar, our energy, our time or recommendations - for impactful, sustainable brands, we send a message about and participate in creating the type of world we want for our future and that of future generations. While you’re going through your day, snap pics of and tag your favorite brands to show them some love - so many could use the love and support now more than ever!

BONUS: Rock your organic cotton no planet b cap from pop of health and enjoy your fav drink in your fav reusable cup or bottle.