A Valentine To My Body

I want you to know how sorry I am.
For all the years I hid you away, held you back
Locked you inside + away from judging eyes
I’m sorry for the experiences I deprived you of
So, so many experiences
And all the times I got your hopes up only to let them down

I’m sorry for the times I wouldn’t…couldn’t even look at you
Because you didn’t look like her or her or them
For taking for granted every step, breath + idea you gave me
For all the things I said to you + did to you
For the days I starved you + overworked you despite your pleas

I’m sorry for all the gremlins I let take up camp in your mind
And all their nasty thoughts that chased tears out your eyes

I’m sorry its taken me this long to love you in the way you deserve to be loved and see you in all your beauty. You are strong, steadfast + loyal. Despite how I treated you for decades, you never ever let me down. I love you fully, deeply, truly - even the soft + rougher parts that they tried to tell me not to.

Happy Valentines Day to you my one and only body. My true life partner. I will spend everyday we have left together showing up for you, caring for you, nourishing you, growing with you, taking you out and showing you off and using every tool on my belt to keep the gremlins at bay.

Emily Rose Popson


Originally Published @popofhealth Instagram Account.

Emily Popson